Revolutionary War - 28mm
Mamelukes Cavalry x4 (With Command)
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War Era - Mamelukes Cavalry models including a Command Sprue to create a Command Group. These models have separate arms and each pack comes with a 'Command Sprue' which has a Standard and a Trumpet. These models...
Mamelukes Cavalry x4 (No Command)
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War Era - Mamelukes Cavalry models. This pack does not include a Command Sprue. These models have separate arms and each pack comes with sprues containing separate swords and pistol arms to be able to...
Mamelukes Cavalry Regiment x12
This pack is for a Regiment of x12 Revolutionary War Era - Mamelukes Cavalry models including a Full Command Group. These models have separate arms and each pack comes with a 'Command Sprue' which has a Standard and a Trumpet....
Mamelukes - Squadron x8 (Including Command)
This pack is for a Revolutionary War Era - Mameluke Squadron containing x8 models including a Full Command Group. These models have separate arms and each pack comes with a 'Command Sprue' which has a Standard and a Trumpet. Along...