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Boromite Brood Mother
The Brood Mother – or Matronite to give the creature its proper name – is the largest and most extraordinary Lavan species of them all. Yet it begins life as a hatchling quite indistinguishable from its siblings, and it is...
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Boromite Hauler
Haulers are general utility vehicles and whilst they are not produced to a set design or pattern they always have a size and broad appearance that is dictated by practicality. Because they are living and work spaces as well as...
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C3M25 Heavy Combat Drone
The M25 series provides the basis for the ultimate fighting machines available to the armed forces of the Concord Combined Command or C3. These are extremely heavily armed and armoured drones used to spearhead major offensives or assault massive defences....
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Algoryn AI Bastion heavy combat skimmer
The Bastion heavy combat skimmer is the largest and most powerful of the military grade semi-autonomous weapon platforms in the armoury of the Algoryn Prosperate. It is heavily protected with a combination of fixed-emission hyperlight defences and strategic kinetic shielding....
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Algoryn Liberator and Weapons Bundle
This pack contains one Algoryn Liberator model as well as the two additional weapons packs which will allow you to field any of the weapons options and combinations available on this vehicle. Included in this bundle are: Algoryn Liberator with...
£67.00 £55.00
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Isorian Tograh MV2 transporter drone
The Tograh is a type 2 variant of the Mahran Vesh combat drone fully adapted to carry human or alien passengers in a separate transportation shell. The MV2 is a sentient machine, although depending upon its machine intelligence is not...
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Algoryn AI Defiant transport skimmer
The Algoryn are a proud and warlike people whose society has evolved over many centuries of constant warfare. All Algoryn are fighters in some fashion, dedicated to the furtherance of their unending conflict against an implacable neighbour: the strangely inscrutable...
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Isorian Mahran Vesh MV5 combat drone
The Mahran Vesh type 5 Combat Drone, often abbreviated to MV5, is the standard large combat drone found in Isorian armies throughout Antarean space. As with all fighting drones in the Isorian arsenal, it is a fully sentient machine, lacking...
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Ghar Command Crawler
The Command Crawler is a multi-legged vehicle designed to carry a Ghar Commander into battle. Like other Ghar machines it is a primitive affair that is powered by a volatile plasma reactor. The reactor’s exposed magnetic feed lines bathe the...
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Ghar Bombardment Crawler
Packing the heavy disruptor Bomber plus x2 Scourer Cannon, any shot from this walker can guarantee no one walks away unscathed. Using their standard crawler design the Ghar have created a variant of crawler that rains heavy shells down onto...
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Freeborn Solar Command Skimmer
The Solar Skimmer is a reconstructed Concord Transporter Drone designed to carry a human crew and configured for alternative manual operation. In practice it is a drone vehicle with crew override capabilities,  designed to act as a mobile vehicle headquarters....
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Ghar Outcast Rebel Attack Crawler
Across the Ghar Empire rebellion spreads as Outcast forces led by the disgraced High Commander Fartok confront the armies of the Empire in open battle. The rebels are tough and determined, but so far at least, vastly outnumbered and woefully...
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Algoryn Mag Mortar
Mag mortars very large calibre magnetic launchers designed to lob a very heavy shell at low velocity over relatively short ranges. This means they can be more compact than X­howitzers although they sacrifice range. Mag mortars make excellent close support...
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Boromite Rock Riders Overseer squad
Lectro lances are adaptations of the lecto lash type of weapon primarily for Boromite Rock Riders fighting from their tall, silicate mounts. The lectro lance is essentially a contained lectro energy that can be directed accurately from the back of...
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Virai Dronescourge Deep mining team with heavy mag cannon
The heavy mag cannon is designed to deliver a single shot at an incredible velocity. It is a distinctive long‐barrelled weapon and the most powerful weapon of its kind. Ammunition is designed to defeat heavily armoured targets and release a...
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Virai Dronescourge Deep Mining Team with heavy frag borer
The heavy frag borer is by far the most common tunnelling and boring machine used by Boromite miners and willingly deployed in combat. It can be found as a piece of equipment in any Boromite mining operation or asteroid. It...
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Boromite team with Heavy Frag Borer
The Boromites are amongst the mostly heavily mutated of all human morphs in Antarean Space, with skin that is thick and scaly, broad, powerful bodies, and an almost inhuman physical strength. Their ancestors were genetically engineered in eons past to...
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Concord X-Howitzer
The X-howitzer is a very large magnetic launcher built for lobbing shells over great distances. It is a common battlefield heavy artillery support weapon used by practically all forces. It is often built onto the back of heavy combat drone...
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Ghar Attack Scutters
Attack Scutters are little more than Scutters with their bombloadingequipment and ammunition removed enabling them to operate in a fighting role. This makes them more agile than regular Scutters although in other respects they are practically identical.Attack Scutters are used...
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Boromite Rock Rider squad
Rock Riders take to the battlefield sat atop Locomites or ‘rock steeds’ - a Lavan species that sometimes develops from a hatchling brood. They are similar in general morphology to lavamites but taller and more slender. They tower over the squat lavamites, which...
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Isorian X Howitzer
The X-howitzer is a large magnetic launcher built for lobbing shells over great distances. It is a common machine of war, one that every race understands the value of. They are the largest kinds of launchers and sturdily constructed to withstand...
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Freeborn X-howitzer
The X-howitzer is a very large magnetic launcher built for lobbing shells over great distances. It is a common battlefield heavy artillery support weapon used by practically all forces. It is often built onto back of heavy combat drone or...
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Algoryn Heavy Mag Cannon
As your troops march on the battlefields, there needs to be a supporting weapon that offers heavy artillery. The Heavy Mag Cannon is designed to deliver a single shot at incredible velocity it is the most powerful weapon of its...
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C3 Plasma Bombard
The plasma bombard is the largest and most powerful mobile plasma weapon and uses multiple-coils to generate an extraordinary potent pulse of energy. It is used by heavy support units in most Antarean forces and often carried by heavy combat...

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