Revolutionary War - 28mm
General Napoleon Bonaparte Foot and Mounted Bundle
Complementing the release of the new Ridley Scott epic, Napoleon Bonaparte comes to the tabletop in all his martial glory. This fantastically detailed set includes the legendary Napoleon both on foot, surveying the work of his Grande Armée, and mounted,...
Naval Gunners, Powder Monkey and Gun
This bundle is for a complete Revolutionary War Naval Gunners, 'Powder Monkey' and Naval Gun set.
This pack contains:
x4 Naval Gunner models
x1 'Powder Monkey' model
x1 Naval Gun model.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
French - Hector's Marines Émigré Infantry x4
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War - French 'Hectors Marines' Émigré infantry models.
This pack consists of:
x4 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
French Levée en Masse Artillery Set
This pack is for a Revolutionary War - French Levée en Masse Artillery set.
This pack contains:
x4 Levée en Masse Artillery Crew.
x1 Canon de 8 Gribeauval - 8-pounder Cannon models
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Levée en Masse Tirailleurs - Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x24 Revolutionary War - French Levée en Masse Tirailleur models including a full Command Group. This unit consists of: x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 Standard Bearer, x1 NCO x20 Randomly selected Levée en Masse Tirailleur...
French Levée en Masse - Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x24 Revolutionary War - French Levée en Masse models including a full Command Group. This pack contains: Levée en Masse Command - x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 NCO, x1 Standard Bearer x20 Randomly selected Levée...
French Émigré - Command Group
This pack contains x3 models that form the Command Group for the Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models. This pack consists of: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models. These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted...
French Émigré Infantry - Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x24 Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models. This pack consists of: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models. x21 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models. These 28mm White Metal models are supplied...
Revolutionary Wars Sailors x4
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War Sailor models.
This pack contains:
x4 Random Revolutionary War Sailor models from the variants available.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Soldiers of the Ancien Regime Marching Infantry x4
This pack contains x4 Revolutionary War - Marching French Soldiers of the Ancien Regime Infantry models.
This pack contains:
x4 Randomly selected Marching Infantry
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Revolutionary War Era - 8pdr Cannon x1
This pack contains x1 Revolutionary War Era Cannon model. This is intended to be used as a Canon de 8 Gribeauval - 8-pounder Cannon for a French force or as an appropriately sized artillery piece for any other force. This pack...
French - Hector's Marines Émigré Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x24 Revolutionary War - French 'Hectors Marines' Émigré including a full Command Group. This unit consists of: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models x21 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models. These 28mm White Metal...
Loyal Émigrant Fusiliers - Infantry x4
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War - French Loyal Émigrant Fusiliers models.
This pack consists of:
x4 Randomly selected Loyal Émigrant Infantry models.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Loyalist Émigrant Chasseur - Infantry x4
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War - French Loyal Émigrant Chasseur Infantry models.
This consists of:
x4 Randomly selected Loyal Émigrant Chasseur Infantry models.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Levée en Masse Tirailleurs Command
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War - French Levée en Masse Tirailleur Command Group Models.
This pack contains:
x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 Standard Bearer, x1 NCO
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Mounted Officer - 'François Charette'
This set contains x1 French Mounted Officer model styled on 'François-Athanase Charette de La Contrie'
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Revolutionary Wars - Guillotine Crew and Characters
This pack is for ONLY the character models and crew from the Guillotine set, this does not include the MDF Guillotine model. This pack includes: x1 Sans-Culottes model holding a severed head x2 Crew models x1 Robespierre model x1 model 'strapped' to...
'Madame Déficit' Marie Antoinette
This pack is for x1 Revolutionary Wars 'Madame Déficit' Marie Antoinette model.
This model portrays a caricature of Marie Antoinette from the Revolutionary Wars era.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Revolutionary Wars - Naval Gunners 'Powder Monkey'
This pack is for x1 Revolutionary Wars Naval 'Powder Monkey' model.
This pack contains:
x1 'Powder Monkey' model.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
National Guard Firing Line Infantry x4
This pack is for x4 Revolutionary War - French National Guard Firing Line models.
This pack contains:
x4 Randomly selected Firing Line Infantry models
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Soldiers of the Ancien Regime Firing Line Infantry x4
This pack contains x4 Revolutionary War - French Soldiers of the Ancien Regime Firing Line Infantry models.
This pack contains:
x4 Randomly selected Firing Line Infantry
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Loyalist Émigrant Chasseurs - Brigade
This set is for a Brigade of Revolutionary War - French Loyal Émigrant Chasseurs. This brigade consists of 3x Regiments of French Loyal Émigrant Chasseurs with each Regiment containing: x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 Standard Bearer and x1 NCO models x20 Randomly selected Loyal Émigrant Chasseur Infantry...
French Émigré Infantry - Brigade
This set is for a Brigade of Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models. This brigade consists of 3x Regiments of French Émigré Infantry with each Regiment containing: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models. x21 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models. In...
French - Hector's Marines Émigré Brigade
This set is for a Brigade of Revolutionary War - French - Hector's Marines' Émigré. This brigade consists of 3x Regiments of Hector's Marines' Émigré with each Regiment containing: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models x21 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models....