Isorian plasma cannon
The plasma cannon is the hardest hitting light support weapon available to any force in Antarean space and frequently used to arm ‘Hunter’ type weapon drones. The plasma cannon is the ultimate light support weapon. It is calibrated to deliver...
Isorian Pulse Bike Command Squad
SV 21 Takhan pulse bikes are designed for speed and manoeuvrability, making them ideal for hit-and-run missions where they can easily avoid slower and more heavily armed opponents. Pulse bike formations are used in a reconnaissance role, scouting out the...
Isorian Pulse Bike Squad
The Isorian SV21 Takhan Pulse Bike is a fully-sentient drone machine. A squad is comprised of at least three Pulse Bikes together with their riders. Pulse bikes are designed for speed; they are lightly armed but exceptionally fast and manoeuvrable....
Isorian Scout probe shard
Spotter Drones operate in two fashions – they can often be seen working alongside Isorian Troops as part of their unit – acting as another pair of eyes to spot targets. They have however also been sighted working as independent...
Isorian Senatex support team with phase-shift projector
The phase-shift projector is typically fitted to the tough but flexible Andhak SC2 Medium drone as a weapon option but can also be seen in specialist weapon teams. Senatex Support Team Weapon Options: The support team can be rearmed with a...
Isorian Support team with Plasma Bombard
The plasma bombard is the most powerful and largest kind of mobile plasma weapon in the armoury of the Isorian Senatex ground forces. Its multiple looped plasma coils generate a tremendous energised burst with a flat trajectory and extremely high...
Isorian Targeter Probe Shard
Targeter Probes operate independently of troops – working as Probe Shards. These groups of drones scout the battlefield, identifying targets and relaying their positions back to their combat shard – acting as reconnaissance to guide the Senatex troopers toward the...
Isorian Tograh MV2 transporter drone
The Tograh is a type 2 variant of the Mahran Vesh combat drone fully adapted to carry human or alien passengers in a separate transportation shell. The MV2 is a sentient machine, although depending upon its machine intelligence is not...
Isorian Tsan Ra Phase Squad
After the Isor-Tsan Kiri War and the disaperance of the remanents of the enemy Tsan Kiri it was some time before the Isorians were to discover an abandoned hatchery of what wer to become known as the Tsan Ra. Biologically...
Isorian X Howitzer
The X-howitzer is a large magnetic launcher built for lobbing shells over great distances. It is a common machine of war, one that every race understands the value of. They are the largest kinds of launchers and sturdily constructed to withstand...
Israeli M3 Half Track
Scale: 1/200th. Supplied in White Metal. This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.
This pack contains x6 randomly selected figures with x6 separate heads to allow you to produce a variety of poses. These figures are based on Neapolitan armed civilians from a contemporary painting by Job. The banditti could be used to...
This pack contains x6 randomly selected models. There are 3 different poses with 4 different possible heads all affixed. For heads and bodies separately to affix yourself, please see IT01 Pack 1 These figures are based on Neapolitan armed civilians...
This pack contains one unpainted figure. Barbets were peasant guerrillas; thousands of them opposed the French in Italy.
Italian Flutto-class Submarine
The Flutto class were a large class of submarines built for the Italian Royal Navy (Regia Marina) during the Second World War. The armament and overall size of the Flutto class was similar to that of the Marcello Class. As...
Italian Gabbiano-class Corvette
The Italian Navy was a professional force that had high hopes for its performance in WWII. Italian light forces were to gain a reputation for skill, daring and great bravery under Mussolini and his cohorts, and even after. By the...
Italian MAS boats
Motoscafo Anti Sommergibile, or MAS boats, weighed between 20 and 30 tons and were smaller than most other nations. They were, however, good boats and gave the Allies a tough time. They had a ten-man crew; their principal armament was...