A selection of exclusive and limited sets available to BRM customers and subscribers
Office Building Interior and Detail Set - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited time set, this contains a selection of office furniture and detailing pieces in resin and white metal. This features components from multiple sources: 7/245 - The Desk, Chair and Filing Cabinet from this pack. 7/BC18A -...
Assorted Goods and Barrows - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited time set, this contains a selection of barrels, boxes, crates and sacks and some barrows and trolleys in resin and white metal. This set features components from multiple sources: Please note contents of BRM001 shown in...
Lineside Building and Accessories - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited time set. This set features components from multiple sources including: A sleeper built platelayers hut. x3 stacks of railway sleepers in resin x4 of the individual white metal railway sleepers pictured. x1 filled ballast bin. Models...
Yard Crane and Loading Dock Set - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited offer set, this contains a Yard Crane with Loading Dock featuring components from multiple sources: 7/294 - 2T Yard Crane Kit. 7/295 - Stone Plinth & Steps (76mm sq + steps) 7/363B - x3 Sections...