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Office Building Interior and Detail Set - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited time set, this contains a selection of office furniture and detailing pieces in resin and white metal. This features components from multiple sources:  7/245 - The Desk, Chair and Filing Cabinet from this pack. 7/BC18A -...
£12.25 £10.00
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Assorted Goods and Barrows - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited time set, this contains a selection of barrels, boxes, crates and sacks and some barrows and trolleys in resin and white metal. This set features components from multiple sources:  Please note contents of BRM001 shown in...
£18.00 £15.00
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Lineside Building and Accessories - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited time set. This set features components from multiple sources including:  A sleeper built platelayers hut. x3 stacks of railway sleepers in resin x4 of the individual white metal railway sleepers pictured. x1 filled ballast bin. Models...
£32.50 £28.50
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Yard Crane and Loading Dock Set - BRM EXCLUSIVE OFFER
A BRM exclusive and limited offer set, this contains a Yard Crane with Loading Dock featuring components from multiple sources:  7/294 - 2T Yard Crane Kit. 7/295 - Stone Plinth & Steps (76mm sq + steps) 7/363B - x3 Sections...
£68.75 £60.00
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